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 Application Form

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Posts : 80
Join date : 2011-12-21
Age : 31
Location : Thessaloniki, Greece

Application Form Empty
PostSubject: Application Form   Application Form I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 22, 2011 2:42 am

This is the application form that will be used in order to make your applications. Pls make a topic in the application forum by copy- pasting the questions of this form and typing your own answers.

What is your real name:
What is your ingame name:
How old are you:
Where are you from(Also type the GMT +/- of ur country if you are aware of it):
How much time can you spend every day for the game:
Do you have ventrillo or teamspeak:
Do you have a microphone:
Why do you want to join our clan:
Are you able and willing to do a class that is requird by the clan:
Tell us a little bit about you ( personality hobbies etc.):
Anything else you wish to add:

You have to make your application with the exact questions as the above written. You have to answer every single question and the answer to your application will be given shortly.
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