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 Merry Christmas!

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Posts : 80
Join date : 2011-12-21
Age : 31
Location : Thessaloniki, Greece

Merry Christmas! Empty
PostSubject: Merry Christmas!   Merry Christmas! I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 27, 2011 7:43 am

I wish Merry Christmas to every clan member and their families. The best is yet to come and I hope you guys live a long and healthy life to enjoy every single moment. Btw our community has grown fast enough and I think we are somehow completed regarding all the classes and the parties that we have to make. We have contacted everyone regarding all the matters of the clan issues and I hope that the server lives long so that our clan lives long as well and get some "pew pew's" inside Very Happy Just 4 the record the recruitment so far has been made not by the classic "application's" procedure but with some carefull selection of members we've been playing together and once the server goes live we'll upload our forum's site on the forum of Ashton so that the fun trully begins... I hope that this "newmade" community lasts for long enough to get a strong bond together like a family and enjoy more lineage 2 action. I wish everyone hf and gl ingame and we'll keep in touch soon... Remember Ashton x70 goes live in less than 24 hours so get ready for some real action and ofc a lot of fun. Cya fellaz! santa
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Merry Christmas!
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